
July 06, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Life can be crazy. Finding serenity in the craziness can definitely be difficult. We have been going through a lot of changes lately. We are looking for a place to rent and finally settled on a house in Castle Rock. It will be almost double our current space and will allow our cats some well needed romping time as Shae and Grue are both looking a bit chubby after living in an apartment for a year! However in the midst of this we got some very sad news from back home. Nelson, a sweet and generous man, passed away on Sunday. The loss itself hurts. But to be so far away while those we love are grieving has hurt our hearts and we are scrambling to get back to help in any way we can. 

The move was a normal stress. We have moved before. In fact we are pretty good at it! Finding a place proved difficult, but we had finally found the place and started the process to make it our own. However, the loss of a family member is not something I have a lot of practice at. I don't want to go into it too much, but I wanted to bring all this up to share what lead me to take the following photos. Bill suggested we go out to take some pictures when I didn't want to do anything but sit on the couch and worry. He knows sometimes I have a hard time getting motivated to get out there, but I always enjoy it when I do. We went out to our favorite park here in Colorado. Its right next to where we live currently, and I will miss having it so nearby. 

Colorado Grasses


I needed the peace of just being out there. But I also needed the focus of capturing what we were experiencing on my camera The wonderful part of Colorado is it is so beautiful, I didn't have to look far. The fence shot was taken from the parking area where we got out. We walked down a little ways and found a lovely little pond as our next subject. 

Serenity Escape

Taking the time to just go out and do something I love in a place I love gave me the peace I needed. Having the man I love next to my while doing it was pure icing on the cake. I need to get out and do this more often. 

Life is short. Go out and do what you love with the people you love. You never know whats coming next. Good or bad, there will be change. It always happens. The key is to embrace the now and live your life to the fullest. 


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